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AMD According to a press release on AMD’s website (www.amd.com), Thomas McCoy,  Executive VP of AMD’s Legal Affairs, has bluntly stated that “Intel illegally manipulated the market to exclude competition, hurting PC users around the world,” not limiting his attacks on the CPU giant.  He continued to state that Intel was being unfair to the to CPU user’s worldwide by not giving users the freedom of choice. He mentioned that users have specific needs that need to be met.  No doubt he was trying to plug the dramatic difference in price between the two brands. 

All of these comments come via Japan’s new motions in the market.  The country’s Fair Trade Commission has started a campaign to stop Intel’s monopoly of the CPU market.  They are the first to do so thus far and are hoping that other technology leading countries follow suit.  Japanese Fair Trade Commission has made some interesting discoveries during an 11 month investigation on Intel, one being that Intel is forcing manufactures to buy 100% Intel based PC’s.

Read More | AMD Corporate

Gallery: AMD VP and Japan FTC Voice Opinion on Intel


TiVo Comcast Call it a partnership, call it smart, or call it what you will. If you are TiVo, you are calling this a miracle. After getting dumped by DirecTV, TiVo has finally found another outlet it can use to make its way into the homes of millions of Americans - and this is a biggie. TiVo and Comcast have come to an agreement that will see TiVo hardware made available to the majority of Comcast service areas, including jointly developed TiVo solutions (HD TiVo for cable, I guarantee it). The companies expect to start rolling all this out in mid-to-late 2006. You just know that everyone over at TiVo are breathing many signs of relief.

Read More | MarketWatch

Gallery: TiVo Hooks Up With Comcast

Nintendo RevolutionIn news that makes me smile with glee, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata announced that the companies next-generation console - codenamed “Revolution” - will be backwards compatible with Nintendo Gamecube games. This move adds a lot of power to Nintendo as the next generation race begins to heat up. Microsoft has been trying to tie this feature into the Xbox 2/360 feature set, and has been having difficulty doing so. Having a system be backwards compatible immediately makes it more appealing, as it has hundreds of titles available to play right out of the gate. Iwata also confirmed that the Revolution will come with integrated WiFi capabilities. From the way he was talking at the Game Developers Conference, it seems that Nintendo is finally going to get on board with the online gaming world.

Read More | 1Up

Gallery: Nintendo At GDC: Revolution Backwards Compatible

Microsoft XNAMicrosoft has release XNA Studio for video game developers on Monday to ease in the creation of video games for its current console as well as for its next console.  The product is meant to help developers exchange code amongst teams in order to speed up development and standardize systems for porting video games from PC to Xbox (2) and vice versa. This means that the tools will be able to assist developers to keep their budget and keep video games from being ridiculously overpriced. According to Microsoft executives, XNA will be help developers keep next generation video games on the same level as the current Xbox video games. We’ll just have to keep our eyes wide open during the months to come and see if these promises are fulfilled.

Read More | CNet

Gallery: XNA Studio Released

GTA: SAThe much anticipated PSP GTA title has been delayed until third quarter 2005. According to their fiscal reports, the title will be set in Liberty City. Whenever they do decide to launch the title, it will sure to be a top seller just as the other GTA titles have been. Also stated in the report is news that the launch of Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition will occur in April for the PS2, Xbox and the PSP. Take-Two interactive promises a great line-up of video games once again this year that are sure to hit the top of the charts.

Read More | Yahoo!

Gallery: PSP Grand Theft Auto Delayed

Hironobu SakaguchiMicrosoft has hired Final Fantasy creator, Hironobu Sakaguchi, to produce two exclusive games for its next generation console, Xbox 2/360°. The Final Fantasy series has been highly successful in the Sony Playstation world, and an Xbox exclusive might give Microsoft the edge it needs to topple the number one company in gaming. It is also no secret that Microsoft has had a tough time penetrating the Japanese video game market. Having Sakaguchi on board can definitely help in that respect. The two games are said to be released shortly after the launch of the console on a worldwide basis.  We eagerly anticipate what creations Sakaguchi will have in store for us.

Read More | The Inquirer

Gallery: Microsoft Hires Final Fantasy Creator

DescriptionNew trademarks are always great fodder for the old rumor mill, and this one is no different. Nintendo has trademarked the name “Nintendo V-Pocket”, with an emphasis on the “V” as you can se in the logo. Now, what exactly is it? Some think it may be related to the plan Nintendo may have to put the Palm OS on the Nintendo DS. Others believe it may have to do with the much talked about Nintendo DS wireless network that the Big N is supposedly cooking up. It could simply be the name of the GBA/Nintendo DS video player add-on. Whatever it is, I am 99% sure it is DS related, as the logo uses the DS style font. Of course, being that it is now February, prepare to hear the words “we’ll see at E3” quite a bit.

Gallery: Nintendo Trademarks V-Pocket

TRUSTe Gratis A couple of days ago, TRUSTe made it known to the internet community that for the first time in two years they were going to suspend a sites status as a TRUSTe sealbearer. Gratis Network was to be the one to garner that dubious acheivement, but today the companies announced they have come to an agreement. If you read the release, you basically see that Gratis has decided to comply and go through corporate training. This basically tells us that they are admitting to wrongdoing. Regardless of what kind of training they go through and compliance they follow from here forward, what about all the damage already done? Multitudes of Gratis members have complained about all the spam they get just from signing up to any Gratis Internet site looking to gain free electronics. Check out the full press release after the jump.

Click to continue reading Gratis Network and TRUSTe Together Again

Gallery: Gratis Network and TRUSTe Together Again

DescriptionBig news out of the STI camp today, as they finally took the wraps off of the Cell processor that we have heard so much about over the past year as it relates to the Playstation 3. However, what you may not have known is that the Cell will have a major impact on much more than just the videogame industry. You see, the Cell is a major evolution in processor technology, and companies like Intel, AMD, nVidia, ATI are all taking watch. STI just one upped them all in a major way. I have taken the liberty of rounding up some of the more interesting articles from all over the interweb that will help you understand just what the Cell is all about:

Tom’s Hardware
PC World
Times Online UK Cell Q&A

Gallery: Looking at the Sony Toshiba IBM Cell Processor

Playstation 3 Alright all you Playstation fanboys - you will not have to wait until E3 to catch a glimpse of Sony’s highly anticipated next generation console. Sony’s Playstation 3 will be unveiled at an unspecified event sometime before May 18, 2005. Sony representatives confirmed that they will have an event planned where they will premier the PS3, but haven’t given the specifics. The race between next generation gaming systems is beginning to heat up and will only continue to do so as we approach E3.

Read More | GameSpot

Gallery: Playstation 3 To Be Unveiled Before E3
